Saturday, January 13, 2018

About Me

I am an assistant professor at Lynchburg College. I will be on sabbatical next year (2018-19), and my intended project involves writing a few chapters for an upper-level OER textbook for Genetics. Ultimately, I'm hoping to make some connections and establish some professional relationships that could potentially lead to creation of a whole OER genetics text.  In the meantime, I imagine these chapters might supplement a traditional genetics text. 

There is a lot I need to know about starting this process, so I am very much looking forward to this cMOOC.


This is my first blog post.  I started this blog to participate in the Open Learning 2018 cMOOC.

Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

Here is a link to a post that I wrote last fall for the Teaching + Learning Center blog at the University of Lynchburg: http://www.redchai...